ADVANCED SEARCH You can do a direct JSON (or XML) formatted request or if building using Javascript, you use the open source 1blankspace script 1blankspace.advancedsearch-2.0.3.js - which includes a AdvancedSearch namespace (object) for building and sending a search request. Notes below are in reference to this namespace (object). JSON format for direct POST (or GET) |
async | true / false - sets whether getResults returns aysnchronously (ie other events can happen in the interim), or synschronously (all other events are blocked) | |
categoryId |
Note: This is only required when using returnParameters. For normal searches, it automatically works out the category from the passed structure fields |
forceMore | Y / N [default]. By default, the data required to call CORE_SEARCH_MORE (moreId) is only saved if there are more records returned by the search than the number of rows returned. Set this to Y to force this to occur. | |
returnParameters | If set, rather than doing an actual search, this will return all fields available for the method. You could use this to build ageneric search page / report. See RETURN PARAMETERS below for more information. | |
rf | Return format. Can be XML, JSON, or CSV. For CSV the main part of the response is in JSON, just the data element is in CSV. This can be used to minimise data transfer. | |
rows | number of rows to return (default 20) | |
sort | 2 parameters:
startRow | First row to return. Can be used for scrolling through large number of results |
addBracket | If you are building a complex query, for eg you want all contacts who are male and born after 1950 and all femailes and born after 1960, you will need to use brackets in the query. | |
addOperator | Again, if your query is complex, you will need to add 'and', or 'or' between each filter. If not set, 'and' is assumed. | |
addField | Add a field to be returned. Can be a comma delimited list. To find the available fields please refer to the Available End Points below. By specifying *, all available fields will be returned. As a note, for performance reasons, you should only specify the fields that you want. Finally, you can add a summaryField to perform grouping - see example 7 below. Click here to see all standard audit fields that are available. | |
addSummaryField | Add a summary field to be returned. Can be a comma delimited list.
addFilter |
Use this to limit the rows returned. If using the object, it has 6 parameters:
addCustomOption | Some searches have custom options. To use you pass the name of the option and the value. All objects that can have snapshots, have an option of IncludeSnapshots, with values of Y / N [default]. All searches have FormatDecimal. A value of 1 [default] indicates that all decimal / currency fields should be returned with commas and decimals, for e.g. 1,234,567.89. A value of 2 indicates that it should not be formatted, for e.g. 1234567.89. For this option, if the decimal component are zeroes, it is not returned, for e.g. 123456 | |
getResults | Use this once you have set all the properties / methods. It has two parameters. The first parameter is optional, and is the xml, or json string to search with (if you are not using the object). The second parameter is the callback function | |
reset | Use this to clear all brackets, operators, fields etc |
IN_LIST | Comma delimited list of values | |
NOT_IN_LIST | Comma delimited list of values | |
IS_NULL | A value has never been set. For text values, you will probably need to use TEXT_IS_EMPTY instead | |
APPROX_EQUAL_TO | For a date field, within a month either side. For a numeric field, within 80 - 120% of the value. Not available for text fields. | |
IS_FAVOURITE | Limits the results to those items that have been saved as favourites. Not available on all searches. When using this filter, please leave the control blank. | |
Text Specific Comparisons: | ||
TEXT_IS_LIKE | Contains the comparison value, eg 'surname', 'TEXT_IS_LIKE', 'RON' would return rows including RONALD, ARMSTRONG, and TRON | |
TEXT_IS_EMPTY | Is blank | |
TEXT_IS_NOT_EMPTY | Is not blank | |
TEXT_STARTS_WITH | Field starts with value, eg 'surname', 'TEXT_IS_LIKE', 'RON' would return rows including RONALD, but NOT ARMSTRONG | |
Date Specific Comparisons: | ||
WEEK_TO_DATE | Date is in this week. First day of week is Sunday | |
MONTH_TO_DATE | Date is in this month | |
CALENDAR_THIS_WEEK | Date is in this week -Sunday to Saturday | |
END_OF_LAST_MONTH | All dates up until the end of last month | |
END_OF_NEXT_MONTH | All dates up until the end of next month. Due in production early Nov 2011 | |
AGED_THIRTY | From 30 days agao until now | |
AGED_SIXTY | From 60 to 31 days ago | |
AGED_NINETY | From 90 to 61 days ago | |
AGED_NINETY_PLUS | 91 of more days ago | |
TODAY | ||
LAST_FINANCIAL_QUARTER | Date is in the last quarter, with the quarters starting 1 July, 1 Oct, 1 Jan, 1 Apr. For eg, the last financial quarter as of 10 Feb 2011 would be 1Oct - 31 Dec 2010 | |
LAST_52_WEEKS | Any point in the last 52 weeks | |
IN_MONTH | Date is in the month. Pass through a complete date, eg 1st July 2011. It will return all records for July for all years | |
ON_DAY_MONTH | Date is on a particular day of month. Pass through a complete date. It will return all records on that day in that month for all years. A good filter for birthdays. | |
BETWEEN | On or Between the two provided dates. | |
BETWEEN_DAY_MONTH | Search between and day of the month and month, excluding the year. eg good for finding birthdays within a period. See example 6 below. |
Rather then specifiying a specific date (eg '1 Jan 2012'), a number of special values are available. Value 1 can be 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', or 'second'. Value 2 is an integer for the number of periods to add (or subtract if negative). Value 3 is the date which can be 'now' (default), 'start_of_today', 'end_of_today', 'start_of_month', or 'end_of_month'. See the example 5 below |
Some advanced searches can be joined together to give extended functionality. For example, from a business search you can reference fields from Contact Person, Relationships, and Status Changes. When using this, you need to use the prefix for both the primary and sub fields. For example, when doing a CONTACT_BUSINESS_SEARCH you could specify ContactBusiness.TradeName,ContactBusiness.ContactPerson.Surname. For more information see the specific search's help. You can use a full stop (.), underscore (_), or colon (:) as the delimter, for eg. you could do ContactBusiness.TradeName, ContactBusiness_TradeName, or ContactBusiness:TradeName. TIP: If you are using a full stop as your delimeter, and your return format (rf) is JSON and want to reference the object using the jQuery .each() function, then need to use, by example: this["contactbusiness.tradeName"] rather than: this.contactBusiness.tradeName |
You can pass an '*' in this field, in which case it will return all available sub searches. Alternatively, you can pass it a comma delimited string of the sub-searches that you are interested in to minimise data transfer. For example, using contact_business_search, passing '*' will return sub searches, including contactbusiness.secondaryrelationshipcontactbusiness,contactbusiness.customerstatuschange etc. Passing a value of 'contactbusiness.customerstatuschange' will just return the fields from contactbusiness and contactbusiness.customerstatuschange |
The following fields are returned:
1. | Return some fields for a specific contact (based on CONTACT_PERSON_SEARCH) |
var oSearch = new AdvancedSearch(); oSearch.endPoint = 'contact'; oSearch.method = 'CONTACT_PERSON_SEARCH'; oSearch.addField('firstname,surname,contactbusiness,contactbusinesstext,title,titletext'); oSearch.addFilter('id', 'EQUAL_TO', '1'); oSearch.rf = 'JSON'; oSearch.getResults(function(asData) { GetResultsComplete(asData);}); |
2. | Return the tradename for all businesses where their customer status is 1, and where the tradename starts with 'arg' or 'er'. Return the first 5 rows, do the processing synchronously, and return the results in JSON format using the CONTACT_BUSINESS_SEARCH method. |
var oSearch = new AdvancedSearch(); oSearch.endPoint = 'contact'; oSearch.method = 'CONTACT_BUSINESS_SEARCH'; oSearch.rows = 5; oSearch.addField('tradename'); oSearch.addFilter('customerstatus', 'EQUAL_TO', '1'); oSearch.addBracket('('); oSearch.addFilter('tradename', 'TEXT_STARTS_WITH', 'arg'); oSearch.addOperator('or'); oSearch.addFilter('tradename', 'TEXT_STARTS_WITH', 'er'); oSearch.addBracket(')'); oSearch.rf = 'JSON'; oSearch.getResults(function(asData) { GetResultsComplete(asData);}); |
3. | jQuery looping through JSON return |
$.each(, function() |
4. | Sample XML direct post |
Set advanced=1 and method=[method] on URL and set the POST data payload as per advancedsearch_example.xml | |
5. | Date filtering |
Records created this month: oAdvancedSearch.addFilter('createddate', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO', 'day', '0', 'start_of_month'); |
Records due either today or tomorrow oAdvancedSearch.addFilter('due', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO', 'hour', '0', 'start_of_today');oAdvancedSearch.addFilter('due', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO', 'hour', '48', 'start_of_today'); |
6. | Find birthdays between 2 dates. |
oSearch.addFilter('dateofbirth', 'BETWEEN_DAY_MONTH', '25 Dec 2010', '04 Jan 2011'); | |
7. | Grouping. |
For example, if you want all businesses who have had an invoice, and how many they have had, and what the total is: oSearch.endPoint = 'financial'; oSearch.addField('ContactBusinessSentTo,ContactBusinessSentToText,count(id) SentToCount,sum(amount) SentToTotal'); This could be used for preparing a set of tabs, or an accordian, with the actual records being retrieved as required.